BUSINESS INFORMATICS AND E-COMMERCE-Sixth Semester Bsc.Computer Science Question Paper April 2009

Full Question Paper of subject BUSINESS INFORMATICS AND E-COMMERCE in Sixth Semester Bsc. Computer Science Degree Examination conducted in colleges under Kerala University held during the period April 2009. Computer science is a credit and semester Course and Bsc. Computer Science includes Six Semesters and the final semester contains Business Informatics and E Commerce.

Reg.No. : .......................

Name : ...........................

Sixth Semester Bsc.Computer Science Examination, April 2009

(2004 Scheme)


Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:75


Answer any 10 questions. Each carries 3 marks.

1. What is TCP/IP?

2. Explain nodes and dummy -nodes?

3. Define private key?

4. What are B2C and B2B?

5. What are firewalls?

6.What is meant by Integrity?

7. Define e-money?

8. What is WWW and Hyper-text?

9. Explain the electronic media?

10. What is a web selling model?

11. Explain e-credit?

12. What is secret key cryptography?

13. Explain concept of Data Security?
[Marks 10x3=30]


Answer any 5 of the questions. Each question carries 6 marks.

14. How is secret key cryptography is implemented?

15. Discuss history of e-commerce?

16. Explain the IT act in India?

17. Give examples of marketing models?

18. How does firewalls protect the web data?

19. Explain the C2C sites?

20. What are web-marketing strategies?

21. Explain any one of kerala based e-commerce web sites?
[Marks 5x6=30]


Answer any one question. Each question carries 15 marks.

22. Explain the various e-business system like financial, news and entertainment sectors,
which are useful to public?

23. Discuss any two of the internationally successful e-commerce web sites of Kerala?
[Marks 1x15=15]


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