Manorama Yuva Mastermind 2012- Instructions,Terms and Conditions
Read about manorama Yuva Mastermind 2012 with instructions, terms and conditions. Malayala Manorama had initiated a very interesting and challenging contest during 2010 to honour the young creative minds among the school and college students of Kerala. Detailed instructions, Terms and conditions, Eligibility etc are described.
Malayala Manorama , the king pin of Yuva master mind had a clear vision behind this contest. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development center, functioning at Amal jyothi Engineering College, Kanjirappaly will be the technical partner for this contest. Those projects related to environment, water conservation and waste management can fetch special prizes, instituted in memory of Prof. Sathish John. This award prize will be 60,000 for college level and Rs 40,000 for school level.
Objective behind yuva mastermind
Convert the creative ideas of youngsters for the benefit of society by providing financial, technical assistance and a platform to perform. Eligibility to participate:
Colleges: Students of Arts and Science colleges, professional colleges, Engineering Colleges, ITI/ITC and Polytechnics.
Schools: Students from any school in Kerala from 9th to Plus two standards irrespective of medium can take part. A team can have three students and a guide. The guide should be a teacher from the same school. Any number of teams can be there from a school. Only one project can be presented by one team.Selection of projects:
The projects will be selected after a brief presentation and interaction with the panel of experts. The selected projects will be considered for the exhibition. The projects will be finally evaluated by experts and the winners will be selected.
Terms and conditions of the contest:
a) A fresh (which has not presented earlier) innovative scientific or technical idea, which can be demonstrated as a working model.
b) Time allotted is three months from the date of intimation of selected projects.
c) Any number of projects can be presented. Only one project for a team.
d) Project expense for schools will be 7500/- and for colleges, 10000/-. Of which 50% advance can be given based on need, remaining 25% will be given after the mid term verification and the rest 25% will be paid during the final exhibition.
The proposed projects will be scrutinized by experts based on innovativeness, cost effectiveness and potential benefits to society. 25 projects each from school and colleges will be selected. The selected institutions will be intimated by post. The technical experts from Amal jyoghi college of engineering can be contacted for technical advice over phone. They can be contacted between 9.30am to 4.30pm Mon to Friday up to the last date for receiving the proposals. Tel no. 04828 239908 and 08129776613.
The selected projects will be announced in "Yuva" and "Padippura" pages of Malayala manorama daily and cash prizes for the best projects selected during the exhibition by the panel members.
Last year, the awards were handed over by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.Winners of Yuvamaster mind award.
School level:
BSS Gurukulam, Palakkad – First place
St. Teresas AIHSS, Kannur – Second place
Anita Vidyalaya, Kalady – Third place
College level:
College of Engineering, chengannur – First place
Mar Baselios college of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram – Second place
SCT College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram – Third place
Distribution of the prize money:
Ten percent of the prize money is for the institution of the winning team.
Fifteen percent to the project guide
The rest can be divided among the team members.
Contact details:
Master mind
PB No. 26
Malayala Manorama, Kottayam
Clarification and technical support:
Amal Jyoghi College of Engineering
Kanjirappally, Koovappally PO,
Kottayam Dt.
Kerala – 686 518
Tel: 04828 239908, Mob 08129776613