Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga-Eight steps in Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga

In patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga has eight interrelated powerful steps this helps a Yogi to attain true happiness. This eight interrelated steps are given here. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, which developed out physical and mental strength. Basically this is developed from Hinduism. Yoga is based on the sutras of Patanjali system.

Yoga is a meditation also it rejuvenates our body mentally and physically, meditation is the royal road to the attainment of freedom and peace and is a mysterious ladder reaching from earth to heaven, darkness to light, immorality to morality, which are more helpful to keep our body from stress related diseases like depression, insomnia, blood pressure, anxiety, etc and also control the level of cholesterol and blood sugar. In this modern life Yoga is the only way to keep our body healthy mentally and physically.

Eight power steps in Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga

In the Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga consists of eight interrelated powerful steps they are Yama, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dhrana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

1.Yama:- is the Good behavior towards the people. There are four Yamas they are Ahimsa, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha. Ahimsa means not to injure or harm anyone in thought, word or action. Must have kindness, love and consideration towards all living and non living things and free from bad emotions like angry, hatred, jealousy etc.Asteya defines that do not wish others wealth or not claming anything that does not belong to you. Brahmacharya means self control, conservation of sexual energy and not draining it unnecessarily. Aparigraha defines that non attachment towards material things and worldly possessions that disturb the mond and destroy inner peace.

2.Niyamas:- Personal discipline or attitude towards oneself, there are five Niyamas they are Saucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya, Isvarapranidhana. Saucha means the purity of mind, body, action and also purity of every thing that surround us. It protects the inviolability of the energy around. Keeping the mind free from negative emotions like anger, greed, hatred etc. while keeping the mind clean, and the body will also be clean. Santosha in which defines that accept your inabilities and not be unhappy about what you do not have, and self control both success and failure. Tapas in this defines that the burning desire and commitment to achieve a desired goal. It strengthens the sense organs, eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue, builds the ability to withstand all types of pain, hunger, extremes of temperature and helps develop discriminative abilities. Svadhyaya is self knowledge, and self- examination, leading to self transformation essential for inner harmony. Forth one is Isvarapranidhana is unconditional surrender to God. Do your best and leave the rest to God and surrender the ego, which is the biggest obstacle to tranquility.

3.Asana:-Sthira Sukham Asanam or steady and comfortable posture, improving flexibility, strength, stability, endurance, mental and physical balance that nourishes, heals and prevents ill.

4.Pranayama:- Prana is the life and vital energy acquired through breathing. Pranayama is regulation or expansion of inhalation and exhalation. It oxygenates the cell and systems, heals and prevents health issues and calms the mind.
5.Pratyahara:-Control of the mind, body and senses; detachment from the sensory objects of the external world. It thus liberates the mind and generates peace with in. Pratyahara prepares the Yogi for the last three steps- dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi.

6.Dharana:- is the concentration that removes mental disturbances and strengthens the mind. It prepares the mind for meditation.

7.Dhyana:- means single focused mind. When the mind becomes quiet and free of thoughts, it is directed inwards and stays calm and is not distracted by external or internal noise.

8.Samadhi:-As super conscious state, the highest of the eightfold path of yoga that brings infinite and lasting peace. In this state there is perfect harmony within when "Jeevatghma unites with Paramathma" the yogi is connected closely to God. The ultimate goal of Ashtanga Yoga is a state of complete stillness of the mind.

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