Nokia Codes Secret Tricks and Tips
Here is some tricks and codes that works in only nokia phone. This will help you to access specific programmes very shortly. So we want to save the time. Note that this is only for nokia mobile phones.
Many of us may be use nokia phones. We have done several programmes using nokia phone. May be some programmes make more time lost. We can save our time if we know some tricks or codes for the easily use of nokia phones . I bring some tricks and codes of nokia phone for you.
1. Restore
To restore your settings and applications.
2. Delete GPRSset
It is used to delete GPRS setting from your phone.
3. Bluetooth
It is used to gain the speed of sending data through bluetooth.
4. Call Wait
It is used for activating/deactivating call wait
5. Number of caller
This code shows the phone number of caller.
6. About phone
This code is used to see the details about that nokia phone like language, software, name, manufacturing date, model etc.
7. Warrenty
This code shows the manufacturing date, purchasing date, repired date, life timer of that phone.
Hai Mr. Shakir,
Thanks for posting such valuable information as resources. Now-a-days only certain selected topics are chosen for resources. Generally interested topics are neglected or avoided. General participation also seem reducing.