The Cradle Hospital Calicut -An Executive Women & Child Care Centre
The Cradle hospital in Calicut is a specialized hospital for women and children. The Cradle offers a happy delivery for women and exotic treatment for children. The Cradle is the number one hospital in Kerala specialized in woman’s delivery. The address and contact details of The Cradle also included this article. The Cradle is a most wonderful hospital in Kerala situated at Kozhikode(Calicut).
The Cradle is the most luxurious, modern equipped hospital in Kerala offers extreme qualified services by highly experienced doctors. They are giving extreme happiness to the women at the period of delivery. From this article we can find the special features and characteristics of this most wonderful hospital. Specialties and Facilities of The Cradle
The Cradle Executive Women & Child Care Centre with luxurious facilities. The Cradle is not a hospital its like a luxurious home, there is no any old hospital procedures. Their doctors and nurses take extreme care and love for their patients like a home. The hospital rooms are arranged in homely atmosphere which helps the patients to avoid fear and stay there like in their home. Latest modern techniques and equipments are they used in the Cradle, and the full area of this hospital are 100% hygienic. Extreme care and love by their nurses and staffs offers a happy delivery to each woman with out tension and pain. Women comes there for celebrate their delivery with their family. We cannot feel any hospital atmosphere in the Cradle. The Cradle is arranged LDR (Labor Delivery and Recovery) suits for women. The Cradle introduced its services in Kerala with the help of Apollo Hospital and Doctor Kutties Health care they are the number one hospital in Chennai. About 2000 women were celebrated their delivery in Cradle at this period. In The Cradle, single labor rooms and guest room attached suit rooms are available. One of the most importances of Cradle is that it's imported (From America) LDR room beds which are automatic multi position berthing beds. These beds offer a happy delivery to mothers and the most secure child birth. In addition to these facilities each room have the entertainment systems like TV, DVD and Music Player.
According to the consideration of The Cradle, the delivery is not a disease it differentiate this hospital from others. The Cradle considers each woman as their guest and helps her to celebrate her delivery as a festival with her family in The Cradle and are arranged all facilities for them to celebrate. There are no any strict rules for visitors. The Cradle allows full freedom to women to select their favorite food and their private nurses and allow to enjoying their favorite music and cinema. For these purpose the couples should share their likes with Cradle team. As per the couples requests the cradle team helps them to arrange their labor rooms as their own private bed room. The highly experienced costumer friendly medical professionals and nursing staffs in Cradle giving special care for each mother. Various departments of The Cradle
The operation theatre of the Cradle is arranged with full of advanced machines and technologies. There have also arranging painless delivery for mothers with the help of epidermal Anesthesia. Other special characteristics are NICU (for premature birth child) units and ICU units (for high risk pregnancy). In addition to these facilities there have an Obstetrical Ultrasound Unit (2D/4D), it is one of the noticeable feature of the Cradle. The fetal monitoring service of the Cradle allows the mother to see the movement of prenatal baby on he big LCD screen.
In Cradle offers services from highly experienced doctors from various departments which include Obstetricians, Gynecologists, Neurologists, Anesthesiologists, Cardiologists, Urologists, Radiologists, General department, Fertility specialists, and Dietician etc. For keeping mothers physical and mental health the Cradle arranged Yoga, diet counseling, pre-natal and post-natal health check programs, new born screening etc offers a happy delivery to mothers. A shop of Mummy and me, a 24 hour's coffee house (of Café Coffee Day), a 24 hours restaurant and a pharmacy are also functioning there for customer care. For these services The Cradle is charged comparatively not more than other hospitals. The Cradle charged only Rs.31000 for a normal delivery. Contact Details of The Cradle
The Cradle
NH17, Bypass Road
Kozhikode – 673014
Phone: 0495 2436 000
Fax: 0495 2436 04
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