How to protect ourselves from the summer season in kerala

This article deals with the problems due to the over heat in summer season and the way to protect our body and health from these heat. By making a small change the daily routine is the effective solution to over come the summer season.

During the summer, all the living things in the world suffer the extreme heat. How to protect ourselves from extreme heat? As per laws of ayurveda treatment in Kerala, the functions of our body are controlled by vatham, choler and mucus. These are the generally known as the three problems of human body. A decrease in these three problems may cause health and decrease may lead to diseases. Thus the ayurveda prescribes the detailed life routines in every season. Thus prevention from the diseases is also possible. We feel power loss and tiredness during the summer due to loss of water content in our body. These may lead to the increase in the level of vatham, choler and mucus.


Hungry is less during the summer season. Thus it is good to eat less food for hungry. Also it is important to note that, the food which we eat is easily digested one. Avoid the habits to eat the food which contains more salt and sour. And also avoid the fried foods. It is also good to avoid fast food, pickles and the dishes prepared with various oils.


It is necessary to drink sufficient water to overcome the heat during summer. It helps us to maintain the water level and keep our body away from the diseases. The drinks which we included in our diet are mainly coconut juice, milk, and vegetable juices. Coconut is one of the gods gift to the gods own country. So we utilize it as a natural energy drink during the summer. Coconut smoothie is a healthy recipe which we prepared in our home. During summer it is not at all good to drink curd. Instead of that, use only milk to drink. It is better to drink the milk at the night time before sleep. Vegetable juices are also giving health to our body. It increases the hungry and there by eat the food after drinking the vegetable juice. It also increases the digestion process. Beet root, carrot, amaranths, tomato, and cucumber are some of the vegetables suitable for the preparation of vegetable juice. Diabetes patients add the juices of cucumber and gooseberry in their diet. Also avoid the use of alcohol drinks during the summer season. But in Kerala the mostly used drink in every season is alcohol.


It is necessary to sleep about 6-8 hours a day in the sufficient air conditioned room during the summer season. According to ayurveda the sleeping in day time is more effective for the better health than that of the night time in summer. But the patients with more cholesterol and mucus problems do not sleep at day time. So sleep is one of the important for the healthy life during the summer. The sufficient sleep gives happiness to mind and senses.


Bathing in cool water during the summer is better for a healthy life style. It removes the wastes from our body and thereby gets energy to our body. The bathing in cool water is recommended as in the case of asthma and bronchitis patients. In order to prevent our skin, it is necessary to reduce the use of soap. Bathing two or three times a day keeps your body and mind away from diseases. Also clean bathroom, buckets and cups used for bathing purpose. Use more water for the bathing. It is necessary to cool our body during the summer. Several ayurvedic soaps and creams are better than that of the ordinary soaps which we buy from the markets. Also rub the body very well for the complete removal of pollutants and germs in our body.

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