Onam 2012 Special Trains from Chennai to Kerala
Onam 2012 Special Trains from Chennai to Kerala are given here. The railway department fixed some special super fast trains for this 2012 Onam festival. Are you searching for Onam Special trains ? Find here Special trains for chennai to Kerala and Kerala to Chennai.
To avoid the rush during the Onam festival time Railways department have announced some special trains from Chennai Central. Check some following details.Details of the Special Train from Chennai Central – Ernakulam superfast special on 24-Aug-2012
The railway department has arranged 06055 trains for Chennai Central – Ernakulam in kerala. They have arranged this special train for avoding rush from Chennai to kerala. The train will departure in Chennai central at the time of 11:30 PM (Start from Chennai) on 24-Aug-2012. The arrival time of Chennai Central – Ernakulam special train is 11 AM (Arrive to Ernakulum) on 25-Aug-2012.
06055 chennai to ernakulam Special Train Train Route
The 06055 chennai to ernakulam Special Train will go to the following routes Arakkona, Katpai , Jolarpettai, Salem, Erode, Tirupur , Coimbatore, Palakkad , Ottapalam, Thrissur , Ernakulam.
06055 chennai to ernakulam Special Train Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 8
AC Three Tier: 1
AC Two Tier Coach: 1
Total Number of Coaches: 18Details of the Special Train from Ernakulam - Chennai Central superfast special on 25-Aug-2012
The railway department arranged special train for Ernakulam - Chennai Central for avolding rush on Onam festival time. The Train No is 06056 which will departure from Ernakulam to destination of Chennai Central. The Departure Date & Time of special train from Ernakulam is 25-Aug-2012 & 3:15 PM (Start from Ernakulam). The Arrival Time will be 26-Aug-2012 & 3:45 AM (Arrive to Chennai Central).
Chennai Central superfast special Train Route
The Chennai Central superfast special Train will go the following routes such as Ernakula, Thrissur, Ottapalam, Palakkam, Coimbatore, Tirupur , Erode, Salem, Jolarpettai, Katpai, Arakkona .
Special Train Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 8
AC Three Tier: 1
AC Two Tier Coach: 1
Total Number of Coaches: 18Details of the Special Train from Chennai Central – Shoranur Super fast on 26-Aug-2012
Train No.: 06017
Source: Chennai Central
Destination: Shoranur
Departure Date & Time: 26-Aug-2012 & 11:30 PM (Start from Chennai)
Arrival Time: 27-Aug-2012 & 8:50 AM (Arrive to Shoranur)
Chennai Central – Shoranur Super fast Train Route
This special train will go to the following routes such as Arakkona, Katpai, Gudiyattam, Vaniyambadi, Jolarpettai ,Salem, Erode, Tirupur , Coimbatore, Palakkad, Ottapalam .
Chennai Central – Shoranur Super fast Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 6
AC Three Tier: 2
Total Number of Coaches: 16Details of the Special Train from Ernakulam - Chennai Central superfast special on 27-Aug-2012
Train No.: 06018
Source: Shoranur
Destination: Chennai Central
Departure Date & Time: 27-Aug-2012 & 3:05 PM (Start from Shoranur)
Arrival Time: 28-Aug-2012 & 3:30 AM (Arrive to Chennai Central)
Train Route
This special train will go to the following route such as Ottapalam, Palakkad, Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode,Salem, Jolarpettai, Vaniyambadi, Gudiyattam, Katpai, Arakkona.
Special Train Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 6
AC Three Tier: 2
Total Number of Coaches: 16Details of the Special Train from Chennai Central – Shoranur Super fast specials on 30-Aug-2012
Train No.: 06017
Source: Chennai Central
Destination: Shoranur
Departure Date & Time: 30-Aug-2012 & 11:30 PM (Start from Chennai)
Arrival Time: 31-Aug-2012 & 8:50 AM (Arrive to Shoranur)
Train Route
This special train will go to the following routes such as Arakkona, Katpai, Gudiyattam, Vaniyambadi, Jolarpettai, Salem, Erode, Tirupur, Coimbatore,Palakkadm,Ottapalam .
Special Train Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 6
AC Three Tier: 2
Total Number of Coaches: 16Details of the Special Train from Shoranur - Chennai Central superfast special on 31-Aug-2012
Train No.: 06018
Source: Shoranur
Destination: Chennai Central
Departure Date & Time: 31-Aug-2012 & 3:05 PM (Start from Shoranur)
Arrival Time: 01-SEP-2012 & 3:30 AM (Arrive to Chennai Central)
Train Route
This special train will go the following routes such as Ottapalam, Palakkad, Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode, Salem, Jolarpettai,Vaniyambadi, Gudiyattam, Katpai,Arakkona.
Special Train Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 6
AC Three Tier: 2
Total Number of Coaches: 16Details of the Special Train from Chennai Central – Ernakulam Super fast specials on 30-Aug-2012
Train No.: 06057
Source: Chennai Central
Destination: Ernakulam
Departure Date & Time: 01-SEP-2012 & 06:15 PM (Start from Chennai)
Arrival Time: 02-SEP-2012 & 03:30 PM (Arrive to Ernakulam)
Train Route
This special train will go these routes such as Arakkona, Katpai, Jolarpettai, Salem, Erode, Tirupur, Coimbatore, Palakkad, Ottapalam Thrissur, Ernakulam.
Special Train Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 6
AC Three Tier: 2
Total Number of Coaches: 16Details of the Special Train from Ernakulam - Chennai Central superfast special on 31-Aug-2012
Train No.: 06058
Source: Ernakulam
Destination: Chennai Central
Departure Date & Time: 02-SEP-2012 & 3:30 PM (Start from Ernakulam)
Arrival Time: 03-SEP-2012 & 3:30 AM (Arrive to Chennai Central)
Train Route:
This special train routes are Ernakulam, Thrissur, Ottapalam, Palakkad, Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode, Salem, Jolarpettai, Katpai, Arakkona .
Special Train Specification
Luggage cum brake van coach: 2
Second Class Coach: 6
Sleeper Coaches: 6
AC Three Tier: 2
Total Number of Coaches: 16