Onam 2012 Special Trains for Hyderabad to Kollam and Kollam to Hydrabad
Onam 2012 Special Trains for Hyderabad to Kollam and Kollam to Hydrabad are given. Are you searching for 2012 Onam special trains ? Find here about Hyderabad to Kollam and Kollam to Hydrabad special trains with train specification, train routes, date and time of departure and arrival of these special trains.
The railway department has fixed some special trains for Onam festival. They have recently announced some special trains for Hyderabad to Kollam. Please check out here.Details of the Special Train from Hyderabad to Kollam on 27-Aug-2012
The Train No is 07166 which special train starting from Hyderabad to Destination of Kollam. The Departure Date & Time of Hyderabad to Kollam special train is 27-Aug-2012 & 2 PM (Starts from HYD) and its Arrival Date & Time is 28-Aug-2012 & 10 PM (Arrive to Kollam).
Brief Route & Time of Hyderabad to Kollam Special train
HYD (Start from HYD on 27-Aug-2012 @ 2PM) --> Vijayawada (Reach Vijayawada on 27-Aug-2012 @ 8:10 PM) --> Kollam (Arrive to Kollam on 28-Aug-2012 @ 10PM)
Special Train Specification
Second Class Coach: 2
General Coach: 2
Sleeper Coaches: 10
AC Three Tier: 1
AC Two Tier Coach: 1
Total Number of Coaches: 16Details of the Special Train from Kollam TO Hyderabad on 29-Aug-2012
The Railyway department has arranged special train Kollam TO Hyderabad. The Train No is 07165. This special train will departure from Kollam to destination of Hyderabad . The Departure Date & Time: of Kollam TO Hyderabad special train is 29-Aug-2012 & 9:30 PM (Starts from Kollam) and its Arrival Date & Time is 31-Aug-2012 & 4 AM (Arrive to HYD).
Brief Route & Time
HYD (Start from HYD on 29-Aug-2012 @ 9:30 PM) --> Vijayawada --> Kollam (Arrive to Kollam on 31-Aug-2012 @ 4 AM)
Special Train Specification
Second Class Coach: 2
General Coach: 2
Sleeper Coaches: 10
AC Three Tier: 1
AC Two Tier Coach: 1
Total Number of Coaches: 16
This is good information for people from hyderabad as the regular train will be always full. Thanks railways for arranging a special train for all malayalee who wish to travel from Hyderabad & back for celeberating onam'