General informations related to Kerala

General informations related to Kerala.

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MNP in Kerala- Tata DOCOMO

MNP in Kerala, MNP- Tata DOCOMO, MNP- Tata DOCOMO offers, How to change mobile operator to DOCOMO, MNP Tata DOCOMO FAQ

Republic Day Speech

Looking for Republic Day Speech, Okay, This article give you an idea to make a good speech.

UPA Cabinet - 2011

Prime Minister Manmonah Singh reshuffled his cabinet on 19th Jan. This is the first cabinet reshuffle after the UPA II took office in May 2009. The new inductees are K. C. Venugopal (MoS for power), Beniprasad Varma (MoS with independent charge for steel), and Ashwani Kumar (MoS for Planning, Parliamentary Affairs, Science and Technology and Earth Sciences).

Petroleum Prices Hiked Again

Public sector oil companies, Hindustan Petroleum, Indial Oil Corporation, and Bharat Petroleum have raised petroleum prices with effect from midnight today.

History of Valentine's Day Celebration/History of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day, also known as Lover's Day, is celebrated all over the world on Feb 14 every year. This Day has its origins in the ancient Roman empire. It is celebrated in honor of St. Valentine who was said to have executed by Emperor Claudius for aiding young lovers to get married.

Truth Behind Makara Jyothi

Makara Jyothi is one of the most controversial festival in Kerala. There are people who believes Makara Jyothi is just an artificial firing and there are others who believe it as a blessing from Lord Ayyaappa.

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