Population of kerala
keral one of the smallest state of india covering a geographical area of 38863 sqkmts.
Kerala was formed on first november 1956.its total geogrphicl area is about 38863 sq kmts.keralas population as per 2001was 318.41 lakhs,wwhich consist of 54.69 lakh males and 163.72 lkhs femles.
popultion desity
keralas population density is 819 person per sq kmts.alapuzha has the highest density with 1489p/sqkmts where as idukki district has the lowest density of 252 p/sqkmts.
Sex ratio
kerlas sex ratio is 1058 females per 1000 males.the highest sex ratio of 1094 is pattanamthittaa and the lowest in idukki with 933 females per 1000 male.