Mullaperiyar Dam - Kerala submitted renewed statement to the high court
Kerala government submitted the report about the unpredicted consequences and possibilities of Mullaperiyar Dam disaster. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee reports about Mullaperiyar Dam also given here. Read more about Mullaperiyar Dam.
Kerala government submitted renewed statement about Mullaperiyar Dam issues to the High Court. This statement expressed that if the Mullaperiyar Dam get destroyed the consequences of this disaster will affect the life and properties of 40 lakhs peoples from five districts in Kerala. The Idukki Reservoir can be able to hold the water flows from Mullaperiyar Dam. But we are not able to imagine the depth of its consequences. During the time of disaster the water flows from Mullaperiyar Dam will be in high pressure, along the water trees, buildings, sand, and rocks will be flows in to the Iduki Reservoir. This will cause serious disaster and we are not able to predict its consequences.
The Dam Break analysis is the only way to consider the path of water flows from Mullaperiyar Dam, and which parts of the state will be destroyed during disaster. This dusty has already allotted to the IIT departments. Kerala peoples and government requested that lower the water level in Mullaperiyar Dam to 120 feet and make a new Dam instead of 116-year-old dam. The Kerala government also said that the only measure of this problem is the construction of a new dam. These points are included in the appeals submitted by Iduki resident Chittor Rajamannar and others. These appeals will consider by the Court on 10th January.
Due to Heavy rain in November the level of water in Mullaperiyar Dam had suddenly increased. Continuous heavy rain is increasing the chances of a dam disaster. The study of Roorkee IIT about Mullaperiyar Dam revealed that the earth quakes were happened in its surrounding area is more dangerous and this will increase the chances of Dam disaster. The Roorkee IIT is reached this conclusion according to details of scientific researches which were happened 20-25 years before about this Mullaperiyar Dam. The government said to the court that the distance between Mullaperiyar dam and Iduki Reservoir is about 58 kilometer. The court asked a question that how much time taken water from Muallaperiyar Dam reach to Iduki? but our government has no any perfect answer about this question.
As per the reports there are four possibilities in which the Mullaperiyar might be destroyed, gradually increasing cracks and the ruptures on the path through which the water flows are the first two possibilities. The Dam has 116 year old age and increased rate of earth quakes on the surrounding regions are the other two possibilities.