Bishop Peter Thuruthikonam Passed Away
Death news of Bishop Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam is given here. Read this article to know the profile and biography of Bishop Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam, and the latest news of Bishop Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam.
Bishop Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam Passed Away in Kochi. The death occurs today at 6:50. He was admitted to a private hospital in Kochi yesterday for treating heart related problems. But his health condition become critically serious yesterday evening and death occurs at today morning. Body of Bishop will be brought at Vijayapuram Bishop House for public homage. The funeral will be done at Vimalagiri Cathedral tomorrow.
Profile and Biography of Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam
Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam was born on 1929 August 1 at Tiruvalla. After high schools he completed his started his religious study from Josephs Mission home. Later he completed his study from Aluva St. Joseph Pontifical. On 1959 March 12, Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam became the priest of Vijayapuram church. He also served as priest in Thiruvanchoor, Kanchrapara, Vadavathoor, Chengalam churches.
Doctor Peter Thuruthikonam also served many high positions in missionary. He was the chancellor of Diocese 0n 1966. He also served as secretary of Bishop Ambrose Abasola. When Cornelius Elanjickal become the bishop
of Vijayapuram Peter Thuruthikonam was lifted as Pro- Vikar general secretary. Later he become the Bishop of Vijayapuram diocese on 4 Aug 1988.
He has bring so many developments in Vijayapuram diocese through his long 18 years bishop life. Eventhough he retired at 2006, he always try to involve with common people and their development.